Bestiary Web Application
User Story
As a user, I want to create a unique monster for my tabletop game so that I can keep track of the monster's data as it relates to my campaign.
For this project, Team Goblin Mode created a bestiary that is intended to accompany a tabletop gaming platform. The purpose of the web application is to generate a monster with stats and saves it to a database. The user must login before they can access the monster creator tool. Once logged in, the user can input the monster stats and generate the monster. They will be able to see their created monster on the homepage. Plotly is an outside asset that the group utilized to visualize the monster stats. It is uniquely generated based on the monster it is representing.
No installation is necessary to run this application. All the user needs to do is click on the live link below in the "Link to deployed application". Once the user accesses the live link they will need to navigate to the "sign up" section of the web application. After signing up the user should click on the "sign in" section to log into the site. The user now has access to create a monster. The web application will remember the created monsters on the user's account.
Technologies Used
– Heroku
– Handlebars
– Plotly
– Node JS
– Express
– Javascript
– Bootstrap
Contact Info for Team Goblin Mode
Seth Daulton -
Diana Macias -
Skipper Thurman -
Link to deployed application:
Link to GitHub repository:
Weather Dashboard
User Story
As a user, I want to search for the weather for a given city so that I can obtain accurate weather information (temperature, humidity, wind speed) for my reference.
For this application I was tasked with creating a weather dashboard. The dashboard includes a search bar that allows the user to search for a city. When the city is searched for, the results appear on the page that lists the current temperature and the weather report for the next five days. The date, an icon representing the current weather conditions, the temperature, the humidity, and the wind speed are all displayed. When a user searches a city then that city is saved in the search history underneath the search bar. When the user clicks on a previously searched city, they are presented with the weather for that city again.
No installation is required to run this app. All the user needs to do is to click on the following link to launch the app in their preferred web browser:
Technologies Used
– Javascript
– Web API
Link to deployed application:
Link to GitHub Repository:
Law Office of Maisie A. Barringer
What was your motivation?
When we started brainstorming for this project, Jordan asked if we wanted to create a front-end application for her mother's legal practice. We thought it would be a great, real-world example to code so we went started designing and planning. Ms. Barringer wanted a clean website that emphasized client interaction and provided a list of the services she offers. That being said, there are some parts of this build that act as placeholders for later builds (like the lawyer videos and generic client reviews). In the future, our team can come back to this project and properly implement some of the features that we originally planned to include, like a Google Maps API and a document submisison form, which would allow Ms. Barringer's clients to upload important documents straight to her dropbox.
What problem does it solve?
Our client, Ms. Barringer, has thought about pursuing a career as a personal attorney seperate from her current law firm. The web application we created allows her to begin her new career on the right foot -- with a solid digital foundation and plenty of functionality to assist her new practice as it continues to grow.
What did you learn?
Git --> and a whole lot of it! Git Reset, Git Stash, Git config pull.rebase false ... you name it!
How to work with a team
How to make multiple html pages function together successfully.
Tailwind development
Further API development
Local Storage (Divorce quiz)
Link to deployed application:
Link to GitHub repository: